Hi Zahir and Yasmine,
I am the brother of Frederik Paul Joseph who is now in your care in Room 12.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank your dedicated team for going above and beyond in providing the services. I was there for 4 weeks and I was amazed at their commitment and above all doing their part with such passion. I left on 12th Sept knowing fully well that Paul was in good and capable hands after seeing his improvement.
Together with his wife and sons.. The following team members we would like to thank.
Vivek | Arun | Jayanti | Bhavika | Adnan | Sana | Bhasharath | Vibin | Hels |Mariyam | Mani | Nishant
They are outstanding and so are the others who are behind the scenes.
Couple of things you could add to make it much more comfortable. Sofas in the room are comfortable but if someone is staying overnight then a sofa bed would be ideal. And a mini fridge can be handy in the rooms of course you have a fridge in the kitchen but a small fridge will be ideal.
Thank you and your team for looking after not only Paul but all the others and you should be very proud of your TEAM.